January 09, 2009

Save Palestine



Medjool Dates produced in the illegal
Israeli settlements in the West Bank

Did you know that every Ramadan Europes Muslims are unknowingly bankrolling the suffering of their brothers and sisters in Palestine?

Every year at Ramadan Israel especially produces an early crop of dates in time for Ramadan which with the collaboration of Muslim shops serving the Muslim community in this country it sells to Muslims who unaware break their fasts with stolen dates - grown on land stolen from the Palestinians, making a mockery of their faith – their act of worship in opening their fast is perverted in to financing the suffering of their brothers and sisters in Palestine who are starving this Ramadan caged behind apartheid walls.

How can this be, and what can we do about it?

[ Join the campaign.. ]

What the BBC won't show: Israel Targets Children

Yesterday (15 July 2006) Israel gave the people of Ter Hafra village in South Lebanon two hours to leave their village or face destruction. Those who were able to flee went to the nearby UN base. The UN refused to shelter these children, not wanting to take responsibility after the Qana massacre in 1996 when Israel massacred the civilians taking shelter in the UN headquaters. Left on the open road without shelter these fleeing civilians made easy picking for the Israeli airforce with their US donated F-16 fighter planes. Most of the victims were children, their bodies burnt in the precision targeted missle attack. The photos are from Associated Press but it seems no western media is prepared to show them.

Original Source: http://angryarab.blogspot.com/2006/07/i-have-just-received-these-pictures.html

Action Alert: Protest Israeli war against Lebanon and Gaza

Campaign Against
Arsenal Football Club
Support For Apartheid Israel

Missionaries Preying On Tsunami Survivors

"first they lost their parents, now they are asked to give up their religion in return for biscuits and water"

Eye-Witness To Massacre

A moving account of the
Sabra-Shatila Massacre

War On Hijab

  • Hijab Protest Day - full coverage of the hijab protest day (17 Jan 2004) includes audio of over 20 speeches, and over 50 photos.

Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights - talk by Muddassar Arani

Sister Muddassar Arani, Britain's leading
Muslim Human Rights Lawyer, explains in a practical approach with reference to real cases, what our dwindling rights are under the sweeping anti-terrorist legislation, which is fast turning the UK in to a police state.
Click Here

Her defence of Muslims has lead to death threats and demonisation in the press, read how you can perform your duty in countering these attacks.

Seeking Inspiration
from the anniversary of
Imam Husayn's (as) martyrdom

End American Empire

Extensive coverage of the Stop Bush rally
(20 Nov 03) including speeches, video and photos, plus over a dozen original feature articles including:

Click Here

3rd Anniversary
Al-Aqsa Intifada
(End Occupation Rally 27 Sept 2003)

New Photo Report

Dima Tahboub

30 speeches (real audio) including:
Dima Tahboub (wife of murdered al-Jezeera journalist), George Monbiot & Ken Loach.

Click Here

Where Is My Father?

She was three months old when her father, Sheikh Abdel Karim Obeid was abducted from their home in South Lebanon by Israeli commandos. Fourteen years later Mujahidah still waits, hoping that her father will come home...

Join the Campaign to Free Her Father

Islamophobia Awards

See who is the Islamophobe of the Year
And listen to the key speech by
Human Rights Lawyer Muddassar Arani
and Music by Mecca2Medina

Click Here

Free Palestine Rally
(17 May 2003)

New Photo Report

Over 30 speeches(real audio) including:
Sophie Hurndall (sister of Tom), John Pilger (journalist), Juliet Stevenson (actor), Rev. Dr. Michael Prior (Christian Priest), Daoud Abdullah (PRC), Corin Redgrave (actor)...

Special Reports:
Apartheid Wall, Goya's Sharon Devouring Palestine
Voice Of The People, Lord Levy

Click Here

Millions Protest
Against US Aggression

Click Below For Photo ReportClick Below For Photo Report

Photo Reports + Speeches

An Audience With
Imam Achmad Cassiem

Imam Achmad Cassiem is a veteran of the armed struggle against apartheid, he was imprisoned with Mandela on Robben Island. During 70 sizzling minutes he talks about "Lack of Unity among Muslims", followed by 42 minutes of QA -
Unmissable audio lecture

Also featuring Imam Achmad Cassiem:

450,000 people demand
Freedom for Palestine!

Photo Report: Click Here

9/11: The Hidden Victims

A conference on the on-going persecution of Muslims in the wake of 9/11 with specific focus on the UK

Speakers include:

  • Muddassar Arani (human rights lawyer)
  • Sulayman Zain-ul-Abidin (wrongly imprisoned, now free)
  • Yvonne Ridley (journalist)

Listen To Conference

"Zionism is a rebellion
against God"

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
Exclusive Interview

An Islamic Approach

Audio Lecture

A lecture by Imam Al-Asi

We have witnessed the failure of un-Islamic approaches to the issue of Palestine from Camp David to Oslo, from pan-arabism to the PA. Now listen to an Islamic approach to the issue of Palestine - a very thought provoking lecture which reflects on where we are and where we need to be and how to get there and what will happen if we don't. A must for every Muslim.

Help Fight the
Hijab Ban in Turkey

Gul Aslan - imprisoned for over three years

"Gems from the Holy Qur'an"

Download Software Now!

Special Feature

What is Globalisation
and how does it effects us Muslims?
Why is there poverty in the world?

Listen to:
John Pilger on Economic Globalisation
Hujjatul Islam Dr.Ameli on the "Muslim Response to Globalisation"

for the answers.

Boycott Israel Campaign

Election Guide
May 5th 2005

Campaign Against Operation Christmas Child

Al-Quds Day
Photo report from last years Quds Day in London - includes 10 minute video

Wake Up!

Ramadan lecture - what is the future for Muslims - lessons from history.

Campaign Against Oxfam-Starbucks Partnership

Euro-Election Guide
June 10th 2004

Case Study of
Pro-Israel Bias: Children's BBC Website

CBBC website has "ready to use lessons-plans" on the middle-east conflict for teachers to print out and use in the classroom. We dissect each lesson page by page to reveal their pro-Israel bias. The case-study is itself an educational lesson on bias in the media.

Click Here

Latest Newsletter

Open to Question: Prof. Mohammadi

Professor at Tehran University (Law & Political Science), Dr.Mohammadi shares his thoughts on the nature of the Islamic Revolution and the confrontation with the West.

Click Here

History & Our Responsibility

A Ramadhan lecture on the history of Palestine and what our responsibility as Muslims is.

Click Here

Boycott Israel Campaign: Frequently Asked Questions

Click Here

Jews Against Zionism
Lenni Brenner
Zionist Collaboration with Nazis
Prof. Haim Bresheeth
Zionism, anti-Zionism and Israel
Alice Coy
Apartheid and Repression in Gaza

Click Here

Visit to the
Islamic Republic
- Imam Achmad Cassiem

Imam Achmad Cassiem shares his impressions of Iran following a recent visit.

Click Here

Boycott McDonalds

How To Campaign For Human Rights
- A Workshop

See the highlights from a recent student workshop on how to campaign for justice and human rights - listen to the seminars
& learns the skills

Workshop This Way!

Why the road to Paradise?

An interview with the family
of a martyr.

Bosnia - Revisiting Genocide in Europe

Recently we saw the 7th anniversary of the massacre of Muslims in Srebrinica. Seven years on, the question is what did we Muslims learn from it?

Audio Lecture

A moving, yet thought provoking short lecture.

Zionist Terrorism in Cyberspace
Recently our web-site was closed down, read what happened

Bride of Palestine

The story of a 17 year old Martyr

Al-Quds Day
New Photo Report

Special features:
Quds Day worldwide,
Sheikh Nasrallah's
speech on Quds Day,
interview with mother of Shaheed Muhammad Al-Durra who just gave birth on 19th Ramadhan.

Click Here

Israels Torture Den

see Photo Article

Academic Boycott of Israel
Audio Report

Pro-Israel Lobby
Audio Report
(bbc radio)

Boycott Posters download

Judaism rejects zionism
Audio Lecture

Boycott Coca-Cola

A to Z Guide to Picketing

Picket Diary
Activists share their experiences on the boycott israel picket lines at M&S - Read their Diary

See new page on the
Cultural Boycott of Israel

Keep up with the
Sports Boycott

Read the lastest on the success of the boycott

USA, Israel & the UN WCAR
Audio Lecture
USA, Israel & the UN World Conference Against Racism

Israel - Zionism
First Article: Jews of Iraq

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Fun-Learn Islamiv Games

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